
Saturday, March 03, 2007

ActiPro Syntax Highlighter - (updated)

The ActiPro Syntax Highlighter with PowerShell script.  Highlighting is correct.  Module was added to ActiPro by ActiPro support in a very short time showing that the ActiPro Editor is very flexible.  This code was highlighted and copied to HTML using the ActiPro SyntaxEditor.  The new semantic definition was added by simply adding a "dynamic" language definition and then opening the script file.  I saved the file as HTML and pasted it into WLW to get a test of the HTML conversion.  I also added a DIV to force the containment of the lines.

AcriPro Website

ActiPro has done an excellent job on this product suite.

(Thank you Keith Hill for the use of your CmdLet code for use as a test case.  It was the largest and most complex script I could find when I went looking)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author:    Keith Hill
# Desc:      CMDLET to pretty print XML.
# Usage:     This file contains a function-based CMDLET.  In order to use
#            it, you must dot source the file into your shell e.g.:
#            PoSH> . c:\bin\format-xml.ps1
# Date:      08/09/2006
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
function Format-Xml {
    begin {
        function PrettyPrintXmlString([string]$xml) {
            $tr = new-object System.IO.StringReader($xml)
            $settings = new-object System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings
            $settings.CloseInput = $true
            $settings.IgnoreWhitespace = $true
            $reader = [System.Xml.XmlReader]::Create($tr, $settings)
            $sw = new-object System.IO.StringWriter
            $settings = new-object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings
            $settings.CloseOutput = $true
            $settings.Indent = $true
            $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($sw, $settings)
            while (!$reader.EOF) {
                $writer.WriteNode($reader, $false)
            $result = $sw.ToString()
        function PrettyPrintXmlFile($path) {
            $rpath = resolve-path $path
            $contents = gc $rpath
            $contents = [string]::join([environment]::newline, $contents)
            PrettyPrintXmlString $contents
        function Usage() {
            "    Format-Xml -Path <pathToXmlFile>"
            "    Formats the XML into a nicely indented form (ie pretty printed)."
            "    Outputs one <string> object for each XML file."
            "    -Path <string[]>"
            "        Specifies path to one or more XML files to format with indentation."
            "        Pipeline input is bound to this parameter."
            "    Format-Xml -Path foo.xml"
            "    Format-Xml foo.xml"
            "    gci *.xml | Format-Xml"  
            "    [xml]`"<doc>...</doc>`" | Format-Xml"
        if (($args[0] -eq "-?") -or ($args[0] -eq "-help")) {
    process {
        if ($_) {
          if ($_ -is [xml]) {
            PrettyPrintXmlString $_.get_OuterXml()
          elseif ($_ -is [IO.FileInfo]) {
            PrettyPrintXmlFile $_.FullName
          elseif ($_ -is [string]) {
            if (test-path -type Leaf $_) {
                PrettyPrintXmlFile $_
            else {
                PrettyPrintXmlString $_
          else {
            throw "Pipeline input type must be one of: [xml], [string] or [IO.FileInfo]"
    end {
        if ($Path) {
          foreach ($aPath in $Path) {
            PrettyPrintXmlFile $aPath



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